Her role model was her father

Banat village Kovačica became worldwide famous for its numerous painters. The members of this ethnically isolated and closed national society carefully kept and nurtured all the moral, social and historical characteristics of their forefathers. They kept all the peculiar things that distinguished them from the others, passing it down from generation to generation. Among many [...]
Paintings of Nataša Knjazovic: The Magical Theatre of Heart

In these modern times, that are craving for some new and positive system of values, the important role of an artist – besides the role of one that holds a mirror reflecting the epoch – is inevitably becoming a kind of a priestly mission to offer the way to reshape reality with the pure view… [...]
Jelena Anđelković, art historian
With its long tradition, the naive painting of Kovačica is finding some new artistic expressions and elaborated poetry today in the works of the Knjazovic family. As one of the co-founders of the Kovačica naive art, Jan Knjazovic showed the path with his heart and sowed the seed of a tree which, in his paintings, [...]
Rainbow Colored Dreams

When I think about my favorite painters, I think about Marc Chagall and Ana Knjazovic. But what could have in common one Belorussian Jew, born in Vitebsk, who became world famous in luminous Paris, and one Slovakian female artist from Kovačica – a neat little town lying amidst the endless Vojvodina plain? Art historians may notice [...]
Značka Kňazovic ? neopakovateľné osobnosti výtvarného umenia Slovákov v Srbsku
Nie je od veci povedať si, že výstavy výtvarného umenia a najmä insitného maliarstva, majú svoj osobitný cveng. Je to preto, že ich obsah môže, ale nemusí byť súdobí našmu dožitiu každodennosti a k tomu aj jej obsahu alebo aj zrozumyteľnosti. Je to vždy tak? Niekedy áno. V prípade troch generácií značky Kňazovic – slovenských [...]
Obrazy maľované srdcom

Zo všetkých národov s ktorými Srbi žijú spolu,deliac sa o priestor a osud,zriedkavejšie dobrý a častejšie zlý,prekonávajúc mnohé ťažké historické nástrahy,Slovákom iste patrí osobitné a čestné miesto.To preto,lebo nik ako oni nie je súčastne tak emotívne a tak pevne viazaný o svoju otčinu,z jednej strany,ale aj o svoju domovinu,z druhej strany.Preto v minulých storočiach nikdy [...]
They said about us…
Knjazovic is painting with an „inner clarity and childish joy of narration“.
Oto Bihalji-Merin