Ján Knjazovic

He was born on June 18 in 1925. in a farming familly in Kovacica. His particular interest in painting he showed in early childhood. His talent was noticed in the army when he was arranging wall papers. After returning from the army he continues to paint and with painters Jan Sokol, Martin Paluška, Vladimir Boboš and Michal Bireš established painting section Pokrok in Kovačica.
Ana Knjazovic

Ana was born on May 7,in 1950.She was growing up next to her famous father,Jan knjazovic..As a young girl,she started to exhibit her artworks along his side.She graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade,department of diplomacy, and worked as a journalist. Also she is known for her great love for animals and signed her paintings with two hearts.She had over 50 solo exhibitions.
Nataša Knjazovic

Nataša Knjazovic was born on May 26,in 1977.She graduated from the Advanced Polytechnic school and the Faculty of Commerce. From early childhood she is living in a world of colours.Raised by two painters,her mother Ana and grandfather Jan,she acquired the love to naive art. Continues to paint and live her family motto”man can see well only with the heart”.Her signature are three hearts.She had 38 solo exhibitions.From 2011 she lives in Slovakia.